Officers of Caliburn

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Revision as of 00:38, 11 December 2023 by ds>DorkToast


Sammie Okrai, Blood Warden of Caliburn


☃ His Imperial Majesty, William Biltmore, Prince of Caliburn Island

William Bagg, Seneschal

Danny DeVitae, Sheriff

Astrea Young, Keeper of Elysium

Domina Weiss, Harpy
Kelson O'Dell, Talon

The Office of Scourge is vacant by agreement with
the Anarch Movement

Primogen Council
Malkavian Wrath Nosferatu Danny DeVitae
Toreador Eakiro Tremere William Bagg
Ventrue Selene Blackwood

Anarch Movement

Reggie Rockefeller, Advocate

Anastasia Aran, Watchdog

Independent Alliance


Marckus Morbin, Guardian of Sacred Spaces