From Dark Skylines Wiki
This is a list of current rulings and experimental systems, made by the Narrator Team, which have not been formalized into the House Rules. These rulings may be overruled and are not to be relied on as hard and fast rules!
Game Rulings[edit | edit source]
- These are Narrator rulings made during game which have not been formalized into proposals or House Rules. Please only add rulings by narrators here.
In Testing[edit | edit source]
- These are proposals which are now testing. These are technically 'live', but please consult with a Narrator before adding them to your sheet or relying on this rule.
Retainer Actions[edit | edit source]
5 dot retainers and higher may perform 1 downtime action per downtime cycle related to one of their skill specialties, however, the total number of actions performed by all of your retainers may never exceed 3.