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The Traditions are the fundamental laws of Kindred society, supposedly handed down by Caine himself.

The Traditions form the legal backbone of Camarilla society, although in modern nights, the Prince fulfills the Elder role outlined in the traditions. Most vampiric culture springs from the Traditions – presentation is outlined in the Tradition of Hospitality, the Blood Hunt in the Tradition of Destruction and the parceling of land in the Tradition of Domain.

Masquerade[edit | edit source]

Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood.
Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

The Masquerade is an organized disinformation campaign heavily enforced by Kindred society meant to convince humans that vampires and various other supernatural creatures do not exist. The Masquerade is the cornerstone survival strategy for the Kindred; without it, the kine undoubtedly would rise up and exterminate all the undead.

The basics of the Masquerade are enforced through self-policing and harsh penalties. When a breach occurs, the methods of repairing may vary, but somebody is going to be punished—and while it would be nice for that somebody to be whoever caused the breach in the first place, Princes are known to prefer an early morning dusting over a long thorough search.

Generally, a breach consists of any evidence of vampiric powers: feeding on blood, obvious use of Disciplines, regeneration in plain sight and the like. Certain things (such as ghouls) are considered potential breaches all the time — although in this case, its assumed that the domitor will take necessary steps.

Camarilla vampires are taught to blend in and to cultivate their Humanity in order to make imitating living people easier. However, when something severe happens, the Camarilla usually calls on the Ventrue, who have made Masquerade-patching something of a science. The Ventrue will apply whatever resources are necessary—cash, judicious use of Dominate, machine guns—to make the problem go away.

Domain[edit | edit source]

Thy domain is thine own concern.
All others owe thee respect while in it.

A Domain is a physical territory to which a vampire has access for the purpose of feeding and asserting their will. This term is often employed to describe an area claimed by an influential vampire who has gained respect; a Prince will often claim a city as their domain. Some vampires refer to their domain as hunting grounds, and most jealously guard them.

Progeny[edit | edit source]

Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine Elder.
If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain.

Progeny refers to a childe of a vampire. This traditions prohibits the creation of a new vampire without the approval of the holder of the Domain in which the kindred resides—typically, a Prince, Baron, Doyen, or other authority.

Some clans also practice this tradition by seeking the approval of Clan elders—this is particularly common among the Tremere, Giovanni, and Ventrue.

Accounting[edit | edit source]

Those thou create are thine own children.
Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things.
Their sins are thine to endure.

A newly-embraced childe or 'fledgling', remains under the guidance and dominion of their sire; consequently, the sire may be held accountable for their childe's actions during this time. This period is called the Accounting.

When a fledgling is going to be a neonate, he is presented to the prince by his sire as an official member of the vampiric society he currently lives in. Normally, this involves reciting the six traditions and a general knowledge about the Masquerade. If the presentation went well, the prince grant the fresh accepted vampire the right to feed, dwell and become involved in the city that is the prince's domain. Otherwise, the childer is destroyed immediately—vampires are jealous creatures that are not fond of sharing their hunting grounds.

Some clans shelter their fledglings for years or decades, like the Tremere, while others, like many Gangrel and Brujah, figure that once you’re a vampire, you’re on your own — tough shit if you can’t hack it.

Hospitality[edit | edit source]

Honor one another's domain.
When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there.
Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.

Kindred who visit a city are bidden present themselves before the authority of that Domain, usually a Prince, otherwise they tend to bring the wrath of the Scourge on them. The presentation can take many forms, from a simple greeting to a recitation of one's lineage to a demand for service while in the city.

Destruction[edit | edit source]

Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind.
The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder.
Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt.

Destruction is the right to bring another Kindred to Final Death. This right, called the "right of Destruction" is usually only held by and granted by a Prince enacting a Blood Hunt, a Baron issuing a Call to Arms, or a Doyen declaring the Reclaim of the Blood.