Battle of Brighton Beach
The Battle of Brighton Beach was an great battle between the Camarilla, Anarch Movement, and the Sabbat, which occurred on the night of November 5, 2048. It is the event which led to the Anarchs reclaiming Brighton Beach from the hands of the Sabbat.
Prior to the Battle
In 2046, a pack of Sabbat called Montescue, led by Archbishop Rancid, stormed Brighton Beach, decimating the Anarch population. The Anarchs were forced to retreat to the south of the island and integrate more into Avalon and rebuild.
Advocate 32 began to strategize a return to Brighton Beach in the early months of 2048. Over the course of the spring and summer, the Anarch Movement made various deals and treaties with the Camarilla in return for their support. Plans began to deepen after Erasmus Dane was appointed as an Archon and Gerald Steadhand ascended to Prince of Caliburn Island.
In June of 2048, a contingent of Anarchs raided Brighton Beach, trying to gain a preliminary holding at Live Current to act as a base of operations. Piper and Robert Setzinger were both killed in this raid. Meanwhile, the Independent Alliance made a deal with the Montescue pack in return for the ability to begin construction of Golconda Casino. However, this deal turned sour after the Alliance's police influences were decimated by a massive shovelhead party of officers, and eventually the Independent Alliance agreed to assist in the upcoming battle.
Shortly before the battle, both the Baron and several others were severely wounded. On Halloween 2048, the Sabbat launched a multifaceted attack, destroying the bridge connecting Caliburn to the mainland, upturning a fuel truck and setting it on fire, and attacking the Caliburn Police Station.
The Battle
In the early evening of November 5, 2048, the attackers assembled at Live Current. The groups divided themselves into three groups: one would travel through the ghetto, one would go down Cyber Alley, and the third would head north toward Main Street.
The Ghetto
The kindred attacking the ghetto, led by Havok, Joel, Levi Howdsted and Gregory Tyrell, faced one of Montescue's ally packs, Mendacity Chained. Facing a fire-breahting Tzimisce, several sharpshooters and a Lasombra elder, the battle in the ghetto was arduous. The Tzimisce killed both Gregory Tyrell and Levi Howdsted before finally being cut down by William Bagg.
Cyber Alley
The kindred leading this section of the raid were led by Gerald Steadhand, Nova, Danny DeVitae, and several Anarchs. Here, they met many Montescue shovelheads led by Warhead, Absolom and Frederico. Warhead was torn to pieces by DeVitae, while Gerald Steadhand and Nova took out Frederico. Absolom escaped under Obfuscate and the remaining shovelheads were destroyed.
At this point, the kindred headed east to Golconda Casino, meeting up with the other group to tend to wounds, share intelligence, and briefly mourn the dead.
Main Street
All three groups met up at the end of Main Street, where a large section of parking lot had been upturned by Archbishop Rancid. Rancid had uncovered a sealed, carved box, and with his war-hammer he broke the container open. The box, which contained the angry spirit known as The Unending Storm, came to life just as Archon Dane arrived on the scene. The Unending Storm possessed Dane, transforming him physically. The newly-formed abomination swallowed Rancid Whole and then fled into the night.
Following the battle, the Anarch Movement claimed Brighton Beach, and The Ghost in the Machine was afterward elected as Advocate of Brighton Beach. The Montescue Pack went into hiding.