Dr. Augustus Gene

From Dark Skylines Wiki

Dr. Augustus Gene is one of the Ghouls owned by the current Toreador Primogen, Andersen Half. Dr. Gene has been in the service of Andersen since April of 4048. He suffers from amnesia, and cannot recall anything before Anderson Half found him.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • "I wanted to eat my burger, but then all these important looking people showed up and I thought it would be rude if I just ate my burger in front of them." - To Andersen Half
  • "I love being blood bonded." - To Andersen Half and Tad Mason
  • "You say you're not a basic white girl, so does that mean you're Not Like The Other GirlsTM? - To Anna Beale
  • "Yes, I have a shit list. Want to look?" - To Dr. Tyrell
  • "There is technicaly no minimum size for a nuclear reactor." - To Andersen Half
  • "...Did Nova just try to get me killed?" - To himself
  • "Andersen wants to get me a rape whistle because he is concerned the Ventrue will try to rape me." - To Minerva
  • "Perhaps they weren't questioning where the golden chairs came from because they were being handed golden chairs?" - To Andersen Half
  • "They were preaching to us in a decidedly sinful manner." -To Evelyn
  • "Andersen I have some concerning news, I may have become complicit in eco-terrorism." - To Andersen Half
  • "Andersen, I don't know how to put this, but I'm useless against a demon." - To Andersen Half