Grace Volgirre
From Dark Skylines Wiki
Grace Volgirre (née Dixon) was a Toreador in the Independent Alliance. Grace was a well-renowned furniture artisan born in Norway before spending time perfecting her crafts in New Zealand. She had relocated to Caliburn Island in order to become closer with her clients. She met final death by intentionally walking into the sun in November of 2052, following the death of her Doyen and Priestess.
History[edit | edit source]
Mortal Life[edit | edit source]
Early Unlife[edit | edit source]
Recent Unlife[edit | edit source]
On July 6th, 2052 Grace presented herself to Former Prince Dr. Kelson O'Dell for acknowledgement in the local Camarilla.
On October 12th, 2052 Grace chose to finalize her membership in the Independent Alliance, leaving the Camarilla.