Molotov Cocktails

From Dark Skylines Wiki

Range is 10 steps

Test pool is Physical + Athletics - 2 vs Physical + Dodge

Can only be used during the Everman round. Celerity can't make fire spread faster.

Use a simple action to draw, a simple action to light, and a standard action to throw.

On a normal success, the bottle breaks next to the target and splashes it and everything within one step with gasoline. The target takes no damage, but anyone affected must spend either a simple action moving away or a standard action extinguishing the flame. Otherwise, the target takes 1 point of aggravated damage on each of your next everyman turns, or until the fire is extinguished.

On an exceptional success, you hit the target directly. It takes one point of normal damage, and it cannot move away from the flame.

Each downtime action spent lets you make one cocktail, plus one for each dot in a relevant Crafts or Science skill, for a maximum of 6 cocktails per downtime action. Stock NPCs with an appropriate specialization add their NPC ratings instead of their skill levels.